This website regroup some web tools for casio calculators developed by different people.
- Casio Universal Wiki : A french-english community documentation for calculators created by Helder7 and Ziqumu
- Eact Maker : Create your Eact for Casio Calculators on your computer created by Helder7 and Ziqumu
- SH4 compatibility tool : Make your addin compatible for Power Graphic 2 calculator (SH4) created by Ziqumu
- Classpad CPlua Editor Online : Edit, create or import Classpad CPlua binary files (.xcp) created by Helder7
- Sprite Coder : Generate your C array of a sprite with a .png .gif or .jpg image created by Smashmaster
- Fxi To g1r converter : Convert your .fxi to a .g1r file readable by FA-124 created by Ziqumu
- G1m To g1r converter : Convert your .g1m to a .g1r file created by Ziqumu
- HP39gII/Prime Notes generator : Generate Notes .hpnote files for hp39gII and Prime created by Helder7
- Picture viewer : Extract a picture from a g1m/g1r file created by Ziqumu
- Cp PRGM 2 FUNC converter : Convert Cp PRGM to FUNC and allow use extra commands created by Helder7
- Festiv'Algo : Translate an algorithm from natural language to TI or casio basic language created by Nitrosax